Medical treatment & human health business Segment
Cure a disease(change from abnormal condition to normal condition), maintaining and improving health condition
WonYong Pi(π)-Water Concentrate(V.O.W. Concentrate), WonYong Pi(π)-Water Cartridge, WonYong Pi(π)-Water system, etc.
Drinking Water business Segment
Make excellent drinking water
WonYong Pi(π)-Water System, WonYong Pi(π)-Water filter.
Water treatment business Segment
Make excellent drinking water for industrial
(Application : office building, hospital, hotel, motel, restaurant, public bath, swimming pool, beverage / drinking water company, food processing plant, aquarium, dye house, water treatment company etc.)
WonYong Pi(π)-Water System, Industrial Pi(π)-Water System, Large City Pi(π)-Water System.
Food / Food processing (Pi-Water Treatment) business Segment
Improve food quality excellently, Prevent rottening of food.
# Food freshness preservation
WonYong Pi(π)-Water Concentrate for food treatment , WonYong Pi(π)-Water System, Freshness preservation sheet-"Ceracist"
Cosmetics business Segment
Restore damage of cells and tissues, Protect skin, Anti-Aging.
WonYong Pi(π)-Water Cosmetics, Micro mist, Beauty mask pack etc.
Agriculture business Segment
Promote growth, Make a repeated cultivation , Growing without agricultural medicines.
WonYong Pi(π)-Water Concentrate for agriculture [Pi(π) - Seed treatment, Pi(π) - Soil conditioner], Agriculture Growth Pi(π)-Water System : "Pi(π)-Rice" etc. Pi(π) - Pine activator.
Livestock business Segment
If applied to pigs, chicken, poultry, cattle, milch cow...etc, pi-water ensures healthy growth.
Promote growth, Improve flesh(make best fresh; first grade), Breeding without medicines.
WonYong Pi(π)-Water Concentrate for livestock, Pi(π)-Vaccine, Livestock Growth Pi(π)-Water System: "Pi-Chicken", "Pi-Egg" : the best flesh & taste.
Marine business Segment
Promote growth, Drop disease, Water improvement
Pi(π)-Water Concentrate for marine [Fodder additives activator], Fishery Growth Pi(π)-Water System: flatfish, prawn, eel, pearl, shell...raising, Live fish carry system
Environment business Segment
Water improvement(Swimming pool, Bathhouse, Water tank), Soil improvement(acid soil neutralization), remove harmfulness materials, Lake purification
WonYong Pi(π)-Water System, Deodorant : (TARAMA Deodorant Ace A/B)
[ PAYMENT for T/T ]
Bank name : WOORI Bank Kimhae banking center
Saving Account No. 1081-400-237503
Beneficiary of WONYONGKOREA
Country : South Korea
[ Notification ]
Please be careful as online hacking cases, such as email hacking, have occurred on worlwide online e-mail.
If you requested a transfer to to an overseas(outside of South Korea) bank account, you should never send the money.
We have been using the same bank account number for decades, as shown below.
Please keep this in mind for your business.
For your reference, we are sending you information on the representative website for our bank.
Bank name (main branch; head office) : WOORI Bank (in South Korea)
Bank name : WOORI Bank Kimhae banking center [ WOORI Bank Kimhae city sub-branch ]
Payment : Please make sure to deposit only into our bank account above (South Korea).
We have been using the same bank account number for decades, as shown above.
Please keep this in mind for your business.