Water Revolution, Original WonYong π-Water
is the only real π-Water
!! Genuine π-Water
by WonYong
These contents on our website are all about the world's only genuine π-Water, "WonYong π-Water"
just by WONYONG(manufacturer).These effects demonstrate only by genuine WonYong π-Water.
We have no relation with any other manufacturers of imitation π-water(counterfeits from Japan, USA, etc.).
was found during the research on the flowering mechanism
of plants. In this study, it was found that the important
role in flower buds was the organic water of the plant.
The π-water
is what a very small amount of ferric-ferrous salts are
applied to water using the special method. The π-water
is the water induced from the highly energized state of
the ferric ferrous salts. Through verification, it was
known that this water plays a very critical role in creatures.
WonYong π-water
is called "Vital Organic Water(Tarama Water)".
This is induced from a infinitesimal amount of iron base
(ferric-ferrous salts) and promotes the vitality of creatures
and adjusts the balance of harmonic metabolism(adjusts
balances between yin and yang). It is the water with high
life activation energy, which is the closest to living
organic water. The word "π(Pi)"
means the vitality, and also means the life.
All materials in the nature is oxidized and destroyed
as they are left untreated, finally destroying their own
structure. However, the living organisms have biological
mechanisms to take in external substances and improve
their functions (elevation of energy level) to reach the
complicated but safe structure. Ferric-ferrous salts play
an important role in elevating the energy level. Material
which prevents oxidization and destroying and also promotes
the vitality is just the lipid compound of ferric-ferrous
The original WonYong π-water
product is produced using the only original technology of WonYong
It is induced from the memory & transcript reaction
of living body materials(enzyme, etc.) based on the infinitesimal
amount of iron salts loaded in the lipid which has the
memory of life information similar to the living organic
WonYong π-water
prevents the abnormal factors in the activity of life
with the reaction of special Ferric-ferrous iron salts
and induces the life to get all their original functions.
Origin of WonYong π-water
During the study on how the plant
has the bud differentiation, it has been known that the
special hormone activity of florigen was the key factor.
In more study, it was found that the important role in
the bud flowering is organic water which contains the
infinitesimal amount of ferric-ferrous salts in the plant.
It was also found that a infinitesimal amount of ferric
ferrous salts in the lipid gets the information on the
temperature and light.(Such, ferric-ferrous salts in cellular
lipids acts as a carrier of information that is not only
maintain the given informations but also transfers the
memory to its entire surrounding.) In human body, it was
found that it is located in cellular membrane and lipids.
It has been confirmed that this organic water has molecular
structure, physical features, and biological activities
completely different from normal water.
WonYong had conducted our own careful and exhaustive research
the organic water and discovered that when a infinitesimal
amount of Ferric/Ferrous (iron) salts were in an
excited state by highly energized reaction, the energy
content of water increased dramatically.
Ferric-ferrous salts is basic element of meaning the fundamental
substance of living organisms and ferric-ferrous salts, playing an important role in construction
of biological system. The term "organic water"
maintaining and supporting biological structures.
The water in this state which is made by WonYong [the
iron base of ferric-ferrous salts is combined(memorized life informations) with the
living body materials(enzyme, etc.)]
is called the Vital Organic Water(Tarama Water).
The name of Vital Organic Water(Tarama Water) indicates
the organic water which sustains the components inside
the living organism.
"WonYong(Korea, Water Science Resercher, Namgung Geol)" have been studying the functional water, Vital Organic Water(Tarama Water) from on the organic water.
WonYong develped the new functional Vital Organic Water(Tarama Water), which is almost identical to the water in the body and the closest to organic water. The original technology that is supported by Korea government.(by "educational-industrial-Institute-government complex research & development project" at Inje University.)
WonYong created ideal functional water(completely different from the existing functional water) to our body that is the only genuine π-Water[Vital Organic Water(Tarama Water)] in the world.
These contents are all about the very genuine π-water only by WonYong manufacturer.
technology supported by Korea government.
Water, Miraculous
WonYong π-Water,
Wonderful Healthy Water
The Best Choice
for Your Health!! Original
is the water with biological information memorized at
special substance of ferric-ferrous salts. WonYong π-Water
is also called Vital Organic Water(Tarama Water).
WonYong original π-Water
theory says that, while natural substance's structure
is destroyed over time, living organisms have biological
mechanisms to take external substances and improve their
functions (elevation of energy level) for realization
of complex, but stable structure. Ferric-ferrous salts
plays an important role in elevating the energy level.
WonYong π-Water
is produced through complex reaction of infinitesimal
amount of ferric-ferrous salts with living body materials(enzyme, etc.) according to our own original genuine
WonYong π-Water
technology. WonYong π-Water
removes abnormal obstacle factors of life metabolism &
helps living organisms maintain healthy conditions due
to the reaction of special ferric-ferrous salts in lipid
components that carries biological information. ※ WonYong is the only genuine π-Water manufacturer(The only right quality of π-Water) in the world.
※ These contents are all about "WonYong genuine π-Water" just by WONYONG(manufacturer). These effects demonstrate in actuality only by WonYong genuine π-Water.
※ WonYong π-Water have not any artifical additives or chemicals added.
The world's only genuine π-Water by π-Water original theory(principle)
Genuine WonYong π-Water
Original π-Water Technology _ WONYONG Corp.
※ Counterfeits from Japan, U.S.A, etc. Genuine WonYong π-water products are developed and produced according to WonYong original π-Water technology. The quality is completely different from that of all other ones(counterfeits from Japan, USA, etc.).
※ Genuine WonYong π-Water technology is entirely unrelated to "Far-Infrared Rays(FIR)" or "Magnetic" or "Alkaline(Over pH 8.0 - Unbalance pH to body - Causes side effect)".
WonYong π-Water is induced from the excited(highly energized) state of very small amount of ferric-ferrous salts that have excellent antioxidant effect of protecting human bodies from active oxygen(=free radicals) that causes various diseases and stresses(removing harmful active oxygen cause cancer, diabetic, hypertension and etc.), neutralization actions from harmful toxins(Controls oxidation reduction reaction ; detoxification action) and prevent rotting(inhibition of microbial growth, such as virus and bacteria) in the intestines.
In addition, they have calcium antagonism, high vital activation energy, small water molecule structure, contains abundance oxygen, equal pH to body(pH Balance), boost immune system, and bio memory and the ability to transfer biological information, etc. Its vital functions are the closest to those found in the living organic fluids.
It contribute to maintain healthy bodies and youth by protecting the cells and DNA’s, protecting our body from harmful elements, and strengthen immune system, normalize body functions by cell activation.
Mechanism of Original WonYong π-Water
WonYong π-Water
has the similar
bioorganic & life mechanisms
as found in organic water, such as cellular water supporting
DNA, nucleus, mitochondria, chlorophyll, and cellular
membrane and body fluids, including blood and lymph.
WonYong π-Water
palpates activation of living things(reinforcement of
immunity), and adjusts the balance of the negative(-)
and positive(+) state of living body(adjusts the balance
of harmonic metabolism) by control oxidation reduction
reaction(control chemical reaction ; protects us from
various hazardous and toxic substances), has anti-oxidation
effect (neutralization free radicals ; resulting in prevention
of diseases), reinforces biological tissues to protect
living organisms from viral attacks, calcium antagonism, maintain biological
In addition, WonYong π-Water
contains ferric-ferrous salts that memorizes and transfers
biological data and activates life mechanisms.
WonYong π-Water
containing ferric-ferrous salts treated with living body materials(enzyme, etc.) strengthens the immunological mechanisms and self-healing
processes. (high vital activation energy)
Therefore, WonYong π-Water
is good for the moderns exposed to undesirable lifestyles
and stressful environmental factors.
1. Contribution to normalized growth
(realization of balanced nutritional condition and prevention
of deformity)
2. Promotion of growth and development (improvement of
energy efficiency and promotion of growth and development)
3. Reinforcement of regeneration (reinforced recovery
and regeneration of damaged cells and tissues)
4. Improvement of physiological functions (improvement
of movement, digestion, absorption, and other physiological
5. Reinforcement of adaptability (increased adaptability
to temperature, light, and other environmental factors)
6. Inhibition of growth of pathogenic microorganisms and
promotion of growth of good microorganisms (inhibition
of growth of pathogenic microorganisms and reinforcement
of immunity and resisting power)
7. Prevention of hazardous ions (protection of our bodies
from hazardous metal ions, various hazardous chemical
substances, and carcinogenic substances)
8. Purification of environmental pollutants (removal of
odors, purification of water, and prevention of soil pollution)
9. Transfer of memorized information (WonYong π-Water
is able to memorize and transfer biological characteristics
and genetic data. WonYong π-Water
maintains physiological conditions and promotes life actions.
WonYong π-Water
records and transfers life information.)
major features of WonYong π-Water] 1. It plays a role of protecting
living body from harmful substance by suppressing oxidation
and disintegration (Neutralizing the harm of active oxygen:
Anti-oxidation action, Preventing action of hazardous
ions: Controls oxidation reduction reaction), and
2. It protects the normal cell, and conducts the action
of changing abnormal cell into normal (promotes the activation
of cell) and acts Calcium antagonism,
3. It records the information on the biological activity,
and conducts the action to activate biological activity
in the living body (strengthening of immune system).
Characteristics of WonYong π-Water
[ These contents are
protected under the copyright. So, the use of the contents
without approval is prohibited under the current law.]
WonYong π-Water
is the water very close to living body water essential
for maintenance of life.
The vital organic water is what
is the source of the living body and is the source of
living activity. -
The living creature has the homeostasis (the characteristic
which tries to maintain the normal status). (adjusting
the balance between yin and yang). All
living things adjust things so that they can maintain
life and continue the living activities. -
The water contained in the cell of living things suppresses
the oxidization-reduction activities. It
neutralizes the hazardous substance and discharges it
to outside as urine. (neutralization
of oxidization and reduction = suppression of oxidization
and reduction reaction) -
The iron (Fe) is not rotten inside the living things
(anti-oxidization activity: removal of active oxygen) -
No bacteria grow in the cell of living things. (outside
of the living things is the microbe while inside the
living things
is the formation of defense mechanism with immunity) -
Inside the living things, the high molecule compounds
are formed from low molecule compounds (reaction
of energy increase) -
Even in case of the plant growing in the muddy water,
the water inside the plant is changed (no rotting). -
The media for information memorization and transfer
is the infinitesimal amount of ferro ferrous salts (transfer
of memorized information).
(Interior / Exterior)
If the muddy water enters into roots (living
body), it becomes the vital organic water (π),
in which the iron is not rusted or no bacteria
or virus can live.
The bad smell is converted to good aroma, making
the plant vitalized (making π)
The accurate understanding of organic water:
The fact that WonYong π-water
is very close to living body water is that it is in
a state closest to when the living thing is alive(a state of alive life) in
case of plant water (meaning it means vitality), but
not when it is dead. When
the living thing is dead, the organic water gets oxidized
and deteriorated that its effects are getting lost as
time goes by, which is different from WonYong π-water.
original water of WonYong π-water
is closest to the healthy living body water among
many waters in the Earth. WonYong
is the water closest to the heathy good water with the
highest life vitalizing energy.
Living body water]
[Other Water]
Highly energized state of
ferric-ferrous salts------------------------General
Control oxidation reduction
reaction(detoxication action)----Oxidation
reduction reaction(exposed to chemicals)
[Adjusts the balance of
the negative(-) and positive(+) state]---[Imbalance]
Anti-oxidation(Remove free
to oxidation(Action free radicals)
Control hazardous and toxic
of harmful substances
Calcium antagonism--------------------------------------------------------No
Homeostasis (Maintain suitablity
condition of living body)-------Changed
by exterior environment
High energy(Activation energy
of living body)-------------------------Low
Smaller molecular structure(plant
organic water: 68 / π-Water:
53 hz)-Large molecule
(130 hz)
Inhibition of rotting-------------------------------------------------------------Rotting
Germ free(Control germ,
germs, bacterium
Reduced entropy (recurrent,
entropy (disintegrated, disorder)
Preservation(long lasting)
of effect--------------------Easily
changed, worsened, destroyed by time & environment)
Equal pH to body(pH balance)---------------------------------------------Acidic/
artificially strong alkali(danger to body) [ Excessive alkali causes calculus(lithiasis), etc(unbalance). ]
High dissolved oxygen-------------------------------------------------------Low
dissolved oxygen
Memorizes and transfers
life information. (Action of ferric ferrous salts)---No
water => Easy condition to ionization(oxidation
and disintegration, etc.) => Changed by bad
environment(Oxidation, Disintegration, Rotting,
Propagation bacteria, Pollution by
harmful substances) WonYong
=> Action of infinitesimal ferric ferrous salts
=> Removes abnormal obstruction factor
Inhibition disintegration and rotting, Remove bacteria,
chemicals, Improve environment) & Promoting
activation of the living body
immunity, possess natural healing power)
is completely
different from ordinary good water.
WonYong π-Water
is completely different from mineral water, deep ocean
water, hot spring water, alkaline water, ionized water, far infrared irradiated
water, and magnetized water. It is also different from
clean water rich in mineral.
WonYong π-Water
employs mechanisms of living body water making us healthy.
WonYong π-Water
is made by treatment of trace amount of ferric-ferrous salts-lipid
complex (with memorized information on genetic characteristics),
enzymes, etc to water. It is very close to living
body water. Therefore, WonYong π-Water
has characteristics of living body water constituting
our human body.
Unlike other kinds of water, WonYong π-Water
has complex and organic structure and functions, resulting
in amazing effects. The biggest differences between
WonYong Pi(π)-Water
and other kinds of water. All the water
on the earth such as mineral water, tap water, distilled
water, well water, spring water, alkaline water, ion water, magnetized
water, etc.
- Water to be rusted by iron (oxidation;
exposed at the active oxygen which is the principal offense).
- Water to be changed(contaminated) easily with harmful
chemical substance (oxidation
reduction reaction ; contamination by toxic substance).
- Water to be rotten(proliferation of bacteria).
- Low energy water.
- Water which will lose effectiveness as time goes by,
and that easily affected by environment easily.
WonYong π-Water
- The source technology of WONYONG
- Water which inhibite iron to rust (strong
anti-oxidation power - elimination of activated oxygen
which is the principal offense)
- Water which has the power to make harmful chemical substance
unharmful (Control
oxidation reduction reaction ; neutralization of harmful
substance; deionization
action, keeping balance - adjusts the balance of the negative(-)
and positive(+) state
of living body).
- Water which inhibite to rot(suppressing proliferation
of virus, bacteria, etc.). -
Calcium antagonism
- Water whose effectiveness will be lasted regardless
of time and environment. (the
effectiveness will be lasted regardless of time and environment
by means of unchangeable
ferric ferrous salt.
- High energy(Vital activation energy, Living body activation)
- Water which has the ability of memorizing and transmitting
information on the living body (ferric
ferrous salt - conducts action transmitting information
on the living body).
- Water which acts in concert with living body[pH which
acts in concert with living body(pH Balance), plentiful dissolved oxygen, keeping balance
of living body], etc.
may looks that WonYong π-water
does not make much difference from ordinary water from
the viewpoint of chemistry. However, it is completely
different water from ordinary water when it comes to the
fact that it adjusts the balance of living things, prevents
the active oxygen and toxic effects by suppressing the
oxidization and reduction activity, has the high vital
energy, and has good preservation effects.
is a drinking water that has the
strongest antioxidant action. (V.O.W. Concentrate & TARAMA Pi-Water Ceramics are core substances for life that have the strongest antioxidant action in the world.) [ Important of "Antioxidants" - 'Active oxygen(free radical)' cause diseases! ]
- WonYong π-Water
removes noxious active oxygen(Free
radicals). All
water(in the world) => ionization => Rust iron WonYong π-Water
=> control ionization => Prevents iron rust (Antioxidant
Defense mechanisms against almost disease & aging)
It is excellent in suppressing or
removing the harmful active oxygen, which is the principal
cause of oxidation.
The rusting of iron and the aging and disease of human
being are all due to the oxidation. The main culprit for
the oxidation is the active oxygen. The removal or neutralizing
the main culprit of oxidation, or active oxygen is the
anti-oxidation power. WonYong π-water
contains special ferric-ferrous salts. Due to the special
induction reaction, the infinitesimal amount of ferric
ferrous salts are activated into the highly energized
state, finally making the strong anti-oxidation power.
Accordingly, the WonYong π-Water
which maintains the vital balance has the strong anti-oxidation
power without any side effects(anti-oxidation substance:
transfer of memory by the lipid compound of ferric ferrous
salts and similar activities by SOD) that it removes the
active oxygen.
can get rid of the active oxygen(=free radical) without
any side effects and ideal to our living bodies only by
drinking the water which has the high anti-oxidation power
also in the standard pH(equal pH to body) of our
living bodies. The very water
is WonYong π-Water.
Factors that Generate Active
Oxygen (Harmful Oxygen ; Free radicals)
Inhaling oxygen (metabolism) / stress / smoking, drinking
/ ultraviolet rays, radiation, electromagnetic waves /
excessive exercise / smog , exhaust gas, air pollution
/ infection from germs and bacteria / injection of anticancer
drugs / ischemic, reperfusion / indigestion problems inside
intestines, rotting, bad smelling stool / carcinogenic
antioxidant effect by control oxidation reduction
Only Genuine WonYong π-Water
prevents iron rust. These special effects are only possible by original(genuine) WonYong Pi(π)-Water.
Imitation π-water(from
Japan, U.S.A. etc.) can not actually demonstrate
these effects at all.
Ordinary water
WonYong Pi-Ceramics
WonYong Pi-Concentrate
waters other than the original WonYong π-water
can not actually demonstrate these effects at
- WonYong π-Water
is excellent in removing the active
oxygen, the main culprit of oxidation.
Even though WonYong π-Water
is made through the study that the water inside cells
is different from ordinary water such as tap water or
distilled water, the main point is that it suppresses
the active oxygen. As the living thing is the aerobic
creature which makes energy using the oxygen, it can not
live without oxygen. However, the oxygen has the oxidation-reduction
power that when it is reduced, it makes toxic substance
to give the living body hazard. The oxygen and its compound
which have strong oxidation power is called the active
oxygen. To protect our bodies from
the damage of the active oxygen(=free radical), we should
drink the water in equal pH to body which has high
anti-oxidation power.
Active oxygen(=Free radicals) : The
oxygen which is inhaled into
the body is used for the oxidation and then the
strong oxidative oxygen is
generated, which attacks the living organization
and damages the cells.
Active oxygen(=Free radicals)
harm health and have been shown as a chief cause that
gives rise to various diseases. Many colleges and research
laboratories have widely studied them medically and their
results have been communicated to the public through mass
media. Clinical and experimental results on animals have
been published in academic journals.
intercepts rotting. [ Strengthen digestive system ]
WonYong π-Water
is excellent at preventing rotting.
- Harmful germs are suppressed, and good germs are reproduced.
WonYong π-Water
is especially good at preventing rotting/decaying, maintaining
freshness and preserving freshness. WonYong π-Water
keep food very fresh. You can maintain food freshly for
very long time. Moreover, WonYong π-Water
makes food taste excellently.
Foods' rotting and problems with maintaining groceries's
freshness can be taken care of by using WonYong Pi-Water.
You need to experience WonYong Pi-Water's wonderful benefits.
- WonYong π-Water prevents abnormal fermentation in the intestines.
- WonYong π-Water suppress propagation of bacterium.
- WonYong π-Water removes bad bacteria, and propagates good bacteria.
- WonYong Pi-Water are excellent at preventing rotting, and keeping freshness.( Excellent for freshness preservation ) (Anti-bacterial Defense mechanisms against bacteria.)
WonYong π-water
makes an environment where good bacteria can grow by suppressing
bad bacteria or virus which prevents the activation of
living things. Bacteria or other harmful virus is unicellular
microbe and harmful to health and lives around the ion
reaction system of water. π-water
inhibits the ion reaction and changes the balance status
of bacteria that it makes an environment where harmful
bacteria can not survive. Accordingly, the living things
get resistant against disease. In other words, this function
prevents the corrosion as the WonYong π-water
inhibits the activity of corrosion bacteria or other virus
but helps the benevolent bacteria such as yeast, lactic
acid bacteria, and lactobacillus bifidus.
WonYong π-water
is strong in inhibiting the corrosion that it suppresses
the creation of carcinogenic substance.
Rotting Test
yellow + white of
an egg yellow of
an egg
- WonYong π-Water prevents abnormal fermentation in the intestines.
As the bad smell of excretion is
generated by abnormal fermentation of ammonia and hydrogen
sulfide, you should worry the possible disease if your
excretion has bad smell. For example, we can find that
chicken or pigs raised with WonYong π-water
does not make bad smell. Drinking WonYong π-water
inhibits the activity of bacteria which makes bad changes
in the internal organs of animals. If WonYong π-water
is used for animals, it reduces the number of bacteria
inside the animals but helps the beneficial bacteria,
thereby making the excretion in good state and making
the bad smell reduced.
The fact that the corrosion is reduced in the internal
organ, or prevented means that the harmful colon bacillus
is difficult to grow there and that the beneficient virus
such as lactobacillus or lactobacillus bifidus fills it.
That excretion smells bad means the bacteria inside the
organs are aggravated a lot. As the bad bacteria causes
the bad smell, it can cause a lot of diseases. Excretions
from animals which drink general water are not good for
fertilizer directly since they have toxicity. However,
the animal which drink WonYong π-water
is healthy and does not make toxicity as harmful bacteria
is kept under control inside the organs. Its excretion
does not have toxicity for good natural fertilizer when
no further fermentation process is conducted. Drinking
WonYong π-water
removes the harmful bacteria, toxicity and active oxygen
which are generated by the corrosion of harmful bacteria
and then activates the metabolism, thus making the body
be in good state.
Mystery of WonYong π-Water
] - Mummy(Anti-rot)
fish which has lived and after make it died in
does not rot but becomes a mummy
(powerful anti-rotting effect) whereas ordinary
water impossible with the phenomena.
Explain the picture: Fish mummy in π-water(WonYong
soaked in water)
These special effects are only possible by original(genuine) WonYong Pi(π)-Water. Imitation π-water(from Japan, U.S.A. etc.) can not actually demonstrate these effects at all.
waters other than the original WonYong
can not actually demonstrate these effects
at all.
controls oxidation reduction reaction.[Neutralization
& detoxification action] Adjusts the balance of the negative(-)
and positive(+) state of living body. (Detoxification action - Make toxin into harmlessness) - It is effective to liver trouble & kidney trouble & toxin relation diseases.
- WonYong π-Water
make noxious chemicals to innoxious. The action of detoxification(neutralizing
Control ionization => Prevent
to disintegration => Protecting organization of living
body(protein & cells and so on)
which suppresses the oxidation-reduction reaction
[Neutralization of hazardous substance].
The ordinary water does have the oxidation-reduction
but the WonYong π-water
suppresses the reaction.
has been the main cause of death because there have been
so many hazardous ions (carcinogenic substances) generated
from artificial chemical materials (agricultural chemicals,
chlorine, preservatives, coloring agents, antioxidants,
antibiotics, residual chemicals, pollutants, and others).
[Origins of toxic substances: polluted water / polluted
air / polluted soil / endocrine disruptors / active oxygen
/ carcinogenic substances / heavy metals / acidic wastes
/ chemicals (drug abuse) / fast foods (instant foods)
/ antibiotics used for raising livestock / various foods
contaminated with agricultural chemicals, etc.]
WonYong π-Water
is able to inhibit ionization of hazardous chemical substances.
Usual water does not have such inhibition effect, so it
becomes contaminated (ionization, deterioration, oxidation,
rotting, act toxicity). However, WonYong π-Water
has control oxidation reduction reaction(keeping balance
of living body) function, preventing ionization &
contamination. Since it does not chemically react with
toxic or hazardous substances, WonYong π-Water
protects our body from various hazardous ions from agricultural
chemicals, heavy metals, and other kinds of hazardous
chemical substances. Its control ionizing power (Control
oxidation reduction reaction) prevents toxic effects of
hazardous active oxygen or chemical substances (carcinogenic
substances) on our bodies. In general, toxic substances
are dissolved in water, leading to ionization and reaction
with other molecules. WonYong π-Water
has the control-ionization function (detoxification) to
block the effects of toxic substances on our body.
When exposed to hazardous chemical substances, usual water
has undesirable waves. Polluted vegetables or fruits,
foods with agricultural chemicals, and processed foods
with preservatives also show such undesirable waves. If
it is not possible to completely escape from such chemical
substances, drink WonYong π-Water
to block their attacks. Toxic effects of such hazardous
substances in our modern society can be prevented by WonYong
Correct understanding of suppression of ionization :
The activity of living things is done with the ionization
activity of substance. The life can not be sustained without
ionization. The suppression of ionization may be mistakenly
interpreted that the ionization action is stopped. WonYong
suppresses the oxidation and reduction reaction. Accordingly,
it may be interpreted as "Neutralization
of harmful ion". The reason why the strong acid or
strong alkali is hazardous is that it can not neutralize
the toxic but does only the reduction reaction (for strong
alkali) or reduction. In other words, WonYong π-water
suppresses the hazardous reaction such as the harmful
or excessive reaction (unbalance)
* It has the neutralizing power. [Smart
water, excellent water, WonYong π-water:
In the equal body pH state, the strongest anti-oxidation
power created. - It has not only the power to keep the
neutrality(energy balancing between yin and yang) but
also strong anti-oxidation power.]
- The mechanism in which the anti-oxidation substance
and toxic suppressing substance of living body is that it gives
the water a suppressing power of the ionization(neutralization) of hazardous
ion. In other words, it prevents the hazardous active
oxygen or substance from reacting but permits the normal
metabolism to be conducted.
This kind of action is possible as the WonYong π-water
gets the functions similar to the living organic water.
of WonYong π-Water]
- Fish living in the potassium cyanide
Fish Toxicity test (Neutralization
& detoxication action of WonYong π-Water) Prepare
general water and WonYong π-Water(WonYong
V.O.W. Concentrate
raw material
or WonYong π-Water
Ceramics raw material), and put several tens ppm of potassium
cyanide into them respectively. Provided that it needs
enough reaction. After that, if fish were put into each
water respectively, all the fish at the testing tool in
general water with potassium cyanide were killed in a
few minutes, while those in WonYong π-Water
with potassium cyanide were swimming healthily without
being killed.
* This effect is about WonYong π-Water(V.O.W.)
Concentrate raw material, and WonYong π-Water
Ceramics raw material.
[Anti-ionization reaction
test] - Suppression of harmful substance Suppression
of hazardous ion (Example of facility soil)
: We can take examples of repeated cultivation hindrance
and base hindrance as the examples of deteriorating environment
due to it. * Removal of base hindrance by the return treatment
with WonYong π-water.
1. pH neutralization: from pH 4 ~ 6
pH 7
a. It makes the fertilizer ingredient associated with
soil colloid be absorbed into plant efficiently.
As the ion of H+, the activities of fertilizer ingredient
become activated.
b. Exchanging with the acid factor of H+ such as K+, NH4+,
Mg2+ and Ca2+, it is combined into soil colloid.
c. Combining of H+ ion with different negative ion or
becoming to H2), the ingredient of fertilizer becomes
easy to act. (The inhibition of ionization of harmful
ion becomes effective)
2. Lowered electric conductivity(EC): EC 1.0 * Removal of repeated cultivation hindrance through
the return treatment with WonYong π-water.
1. Increase of soil contents: by 2 or 4 times from before.
2. Lowered phosphate absorption coefficient: by 20-30%
from before the application.
Reason why fresh water fish can live in WonYong π-salty
water, suppression of reaction of excessive calcium mineral
(control of calcium concentration)...etc.
WonYong π-water
maintains homeostasis by balancing between yin and yang.
With the inhibiting power of harmful substance, WonYong
keeps the animals and plants protected from harmful chemical
substances. * It neutralizes the acid soil by treatment with WonYong
(from pH 4~6 of facility soil to pH 7). The acid soils across
the country due to the acid rain, the main culprit of
environmental contamination can be solved with WonYong
(neutralization of acid soil). The difficulty in repeated
cultivation and base inhibition are all due to the harmful
substance in soils. They are getting solved with the use
of WonYong π-
water. (Soils should be recognized as a biosystem. As
the metabolism is performed with the organic water combined
with the vital organic system, the WonYong π-water
solves the problems by changing the water inside the soil
which is already dying with the accumulation of harmful
substance into the WonYong π-water
having a strong backup power to the biosystem.
waters other than the original WonYong π-water
can not actually demonstrate these effects at
Mystery of WonYong π-Water
] - Saltwater fish and freshwater fish live together
Both of saltwater fish
and freshwater fish both live together in WonYong π-Water.
common breeding of fresh water fish and sea water fish
using the WonYong π-water
is exhibited without change of water at all times.
This is possible because the WonYong π-water
is composed of the organic water which is closest to the
water inside the living things and inhibits the harmful
Only the original WonYong π-water
can raise the common breeding of sea water fish and fresh
water fish without giving stress to fish.
antagonism WonYong
is harmonized water(& pH Balance-Normalize body pH)
with the living body. (Its pH is well harmonizing with
living body ; pH 7~7.4) [ Strong alkaline water, strong
acid water are harmful to human body ]. [ Excessive Alkali causes calculus( lithiasis ), etc(unbalance). ]
As WonYong π-water
controls the oxidation-reduction reaction, it has a strong
antioxidant effect. Also it is stable (as π-water
does not change due to the stable preservation of ferric-ferrous
salts for a long period of time regardless of time, and
environment) and safe (as it is in consistent with the
principle of living organic water ; pH Balance ; Not low
or high pH value). In other words, it is the next
generation functional water.
As one of key characteristics of
WonYong π-water,
it is the water closest to organic water in the
human body and plants. So, WonYong π-water
does not have any side effects even though it is drunken
for a long period of time. Different from other water,
it shows an excellent effect on the body regardless of
ambient environment. So it is getting applied to a lot
of fields such as health, purifier, foods, beverage, cosmetics,
water treatment, livestock and agricultural industry and
environmental industry, etc.
Generally, the alkaline ionized water is controlled for
its water to be pH8.0 or higher. But the excessively high
alkaline water is bad for health. In other words, alkaline
ionized water can give bad effect[side effect; ill-balanced by excess pH; Causes calculus(lithiasis), etc(unbalance).] on the body. Therefore, people who want
to drink alkaline water are recommended to consult with
In addition, the water from a reverse osmosis purifier
is acid and also the distilled water which has not minerals
at all is not good for health. The reverse osmosis purifier
makes water removed of minerals so that even fish can
not live in the water from it. As the acid water not only
facilitates the oxidation but also melts down the alkaline
ingredient inside the bone, the long term drinking of
those water may give a severe health problem to body.
According to World Health Organization(WHO), the pH standard
for drinking water is pH 6.5 to 8.5.
(Water quality standard: pH 6.5 ~ 8.5 in U.S, pH 5.8 ~
8.6 in Japan and pH5.8 ~ 8.5 in Korea.) * Fish can not survive in strong alkaline water, strong
acid water, or distilled water using reverse osmosis type
its effectiveness, regardless of time and environmental
conditions. WonYong
effectiveness is well maintained (long-term maintenance
of effectiveness), which is an outstanding difference
from other kinds of water.
1. Molecular structure of π-Water
is maintained even after long periods.
2. Even when π-Water
meets hazardous materials, π-Water will not lose its power
to protect living things. In other words, WonYong π-Water
maintains its effectiveness, regardless of time and environmental
conditions.This is an important difference
from other kinds of water. Hot
spring water, magnetized water, electrolyzed alkaline
water, and other kinds of waters will lose their unique
structures and return into usual water after a couple
of hours. So, they cannot maintain their original properties
for long periods. In addition, when they meet hazardous
materials, they will be deteriorated soon. Further, when
they meet agricultural chemicals or lime, they lose their
unique properties.
However, WonYong Original π-Water
is different. WonYong π-Water
maintains original and unique molecular structure due
to ferric-ferrous salts. In addition, when WonYong π-Water
meets hazardous materials, WonYong π-Water
inhibits their toxic effects.
Ferric-ferrous salts memorizes molecular structure and
transfers such data. This is the property only π-Water
WonYong π-Water
has high vital energy(Life energy).
activation energy, Living body activation)
After drink WonYong Pi-Water, fingers Kirlian
photo: Diffusion of light (AURA Energy)
Mystery of WonYong π-Water
] - Goldfish's life extension in airtight container
Goldfish's life extension in airtight container(Life
(Filled with WonYong π-Ceramics
or WonYong π-Water
Concentrate or
WonYong π-Water)
Goldfish survives long running(Life
extension) without feed in airtight container whereas
ordinary water impossible with the phenomena.
Filled with WonYong Pi-Ceramics
in tap water
Filled with WonYong Pi-Water Concentrate
waters other than the original WonYong π-water
can not actually demonstrate these effects at
protects normal body cells and normalizes abnormal cells.
WonYong π-Water
recovers abnormal body cells. (abnormal cells => normal
- WonYong π-Water
contributes to homeostasis.
: Pig flesh(dark-red color)
: Pig flesh(light pink color)
WonYong π-Water
normalizes, activates, and stabilizes physiological conditions.
Further, it protects our human body from hazardous materials.
In short, WonYong π-Water
is called "the mysterious water". It is a delicious
beverage good for our health. In addition, it contains
ferric-ferrous salts memorizing and transferring data
on desirable physiological conditions. So, its efficacy
is maintained regardless of external conditions. Moreover,
when you are out of desirable physiological conditions,
you can get normalized conditions with this water. WonYong
controls physiological conditions of human beings, animals,
and plants, leading to balanced growth.
WonYong π-Water
has natural healing power, so it is also called "natural
restoring water".
Living organisms have a tendency of increasing entropy,
but WonYong π-Water
decreases entropy, causing natural restoration. Therefore,
it has the power of restoring physiological conditions.
Living organisms have the power of treating injuries.
However, such power may be inhibited by environmental
conditions. WonYong π-Water
strengthens such regeneration power, resulting in quick
restoration and recovery of damaged cells and tissues.
WonYong π-Water
normalizes abnormal cells and make them healthy. π-Water
has amazing recovery and restoration power. In other words,
WonYong π-Water
controls physiological environments of living organisms
and makes the foundation for healthy life. In addition,
WonYong π-Water
purifies water to protect environmental system and decreases
the entropy level. For balanced and healthy life, WonYong
increases the immunity and natural healing power and contributes
to maintenance of health. It is good for prevention or
treatment of diseases or disorders. So, WonYong π-Water
can be used in the fields of cosmetic, agriculture, livestock,
and fishery industries.
Wonyong π-Water
has the natural healing power. (Natural Restoring Water) WonYong
has power of "restoration to the original state"
and recovery.
WonYong π-Water
has the smallest clusters of molecules. Structured molecules & Better hydration of cells We
can find out one common property when we research on longevity
village Water, fruit of painted maple (Gorosoi Namu),
and other fruit of plants. It is that they have the structure
of small cluster of water molecules. Cell inside the living
thing is shaped small sphere in order for it to protect
the cells and to help the cell grow. It has been found
that the structure of water makes big influence on the
maintaining of living things.
Analysis of water using NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance)
shows that the WonYong π-water
is consisted of small and regular water molecule.
of water using the NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance).
Basic description: The lower the measured figure is, the
smaller the cluster (of water molecule) is.
As the cluster size is smaller, the water can be absorbed
into the body more easily without the loss of energy.
smallest NMR result of WonYong π-Ceramics
: 50.3Hz ...[Data
Click!!] [
Features of smaller cluster of water ]
1. It is absorbed faster and effectively. 2. It is soft and tasty.
3. It feels good even though we drink it a lot.
4. It boils quickly with good heat transfer property.
5. It is good for health (Water with smaller cluster is
known to have good influence on health).
WonYong π-Water
has low boiling point.
You can save on gas. WonYong Pi(π)-Water
makes food draws well.
has slow evaporation speed.
contains abundance oxygen.
WonYong Pi-Water have not only much
oxygen but also anti-oxidation effect.
It is the water having special capability with high anti-oxidation
power and high amount of dissolved oxygen.
Pi-Ceramics generates lots of minute air(oxygen)
bubbles. Air(oxygen)
bubbles generated by WonYong Pi-Ceramics.
WonYong π-Water has wonderful taste of water like tree sap.
Boost immunity[ Strengthen immune system ]
memorizes, maintains, copies, and transfers information
on biological characteristics and genetic properties.
(Information Water; Memory Water)
(WonYong π-Water:
memorizes and transfers life information. Ferric-ferrous
salts: transfer of genetic information) One
of the most important features WonYong π-Water
has is to memorize and transfer genetic information. π-Water
memorizes and transfers specific data on physiological
conditions. In addition, such memorization and transfer
of data occur only when such acts are beneficial to us.
Trace amount of ferric-ferrous salts in WonYong π-Water
memorizes and transfers physiological data. So, it acts
as a carrier of genetic information. Our own original
technology realizes complete control of such ferric-ferrous
salts-lipid complex with the ability to memorize and transfer
genetic information, resulting in amazing products.
Examples) WonYong's "π-Vaccine",
"TARAMA π-Seed
Treatment Solution" What
is "π-Vaccine(anti-virus)
Conventional vaccine products have
some adverse reactions during formation of antibodies
because lots of live microorganisms are injected. However,
is made by memorizing trace amount of bacteria into π-Water
according to a special method. So, π-Vaccine
has no adverse reactions. It can be safely and efficiently
used to promote formation of antibodies.
TARAMA Pi(π)-Vaccine
What is the Pi(π)-Vaccine.
test report(created antibody)...[Click!!] Putting
into practical usage of the pi-water's memorizing and
transferring information, from many kinds of vaccine,
using infinitesimal amounts of it, memorizing the immune
power, and once drinking animals this pi-vaccine, enhance
immunity and prevent disease without stress.
Ultimately, pi-vaccine prevent diseases by infinitesimal
amounts of vaccine.
Treatment Solution
Treatment of seeds in TARAMA Pi-Seed Treatment Solution
will transfer genetic information into seeds. Especially,
even plants vulnerable to low temperature may grow at
low temperature when they are treated to receive the genetic
information on growth at low temperature. Such treatment
may cause plants making flowers in spring to bloom in
Accordingly, WonYong π-Water
has the characteristics of memorizing, maintaining, and
transferring biological properties and genetic information.
Applicability of π-Water
to molecular or genetic level is beyond our thinking.
Now, we are concentrating on studies on application of
to genetic control.
on WoonYong π-Water
- Memorization and Transfer of Genetic Information] Why do flowers come out? (study on genetic elements
controlling the flowering time)
Blooming mechanism for spring flowers:
Example] 1) Light period (length of day and night), 2)
Temperature for growth, 3) Spring flowers (exposure to
low temperature for a specific period required for blooming),
4) the amount of plant hormone.
In principle, light acceptors record the amount and intensity
of light and transfer such data to a specific gene controlling
the flowering time to make flowers. The
mediator for recording and transferring such genetic information
is trace amount of ferric-ferrous salts (contained in
all living things).
The route of migratory birds or fish
Many studies revealed that the information on such migration
route is contained in ferric-ferrous salts.
- When young salmons go to the sea, data on the latitude
and longitude of their birthplaces are engraved in the
form of magnetic field.
waters other than the original WonYong
do not show such kinds of effects.
WonYong π-Water
are excellent for health and beauty ? The
only π-Water
quality in the world, "WonYong π-Water"
Anti-Oxidation effect. - WonYong Pi-Water removes noxious active
Water rusts iron. But, WonYong Pi-Water prevents iron
[ Oxidation reaction ]
Fruit/Egg/Fish (agricultural products / livestock
products / marine products)
Wrinkles, discoloration on the face
Human body
Aging ( decrease immunity
raise disease )
is Active oxygen(Free radicals) ? Our body is rusted.
Active oxygen rusts our body.
Active oxygen attacks cells and DNA(genetic code &
cell's control center),
So it cause many kinds of chronic disease and aging.
of Active oxygen]...[
DATA Click!! ]
* Active oxygen [( Free radical,
Oxygen free radical, Reactive oxygen radical) ]
(superoxide radical: O2-), (hydrogen
peroxide: H2O2), (hydroxyl radical:��HO),
(singlet oxygen: 1O2)
[Genome Project]'s
"Genetic Map" showes that many disease caused
by changed gene.
This means ;
If cancer controlling gene is distroyed by active oxygen
=> outbreak cancer
If diabete controlling gene is distroyed by active oxygen
=> outbreak diabetes
The main cause of
generating active oxygen(Free radical) Active oxygen damages
our all body continuously.
The causes of generating active oxygen are divided into
two parts.
"the interior of the body" and "the exterior
of the body".
* The interior of the body: oxygen replacement in the
cell, inflammation, disease condition,
normal replacement process, formation by leucocyte, etc.
* The exterior of the body: Stress, tobacco fumes, radiation,
sunlight, drugs, insecticide,
harmful chemicals, air or water pollution, etc.
caused by active oxygen...[
DATA Click!! ] Active oxygen damages
our body continuously. Cell, tissues, hormone, protein,
genetic code...
Almost diseases are caused by active oxygen. Cancer, diabetes,
atopic and so on...
Oxidation(rust) brings 90% disease.
[Progress Process about cancer
by active oxygen]
Attacked the cell membrane and DNA(genetic code &
cell's control center) => Cell dies or becomes mutation
=>grow neoplastic cell => transfer from an original
site of disease to another part of the body => cancer
Antioxidant Water(Remove active oxygen)? Why
antioxidant WonYong Pi-Water is considered as a absolutely
necessity? Our
body is rusted. Active oxygen rusts our body.
Active oxigen attacks cells and DNA(genetic code &
cell's control center),
So it causes many kinds of chronic disease and aging.
Oxidation means "rust iron","Cutted fruit
change black or yellow color", "rotted",
Preservting this power is anti-oxidation. Another word,
"preserve iron being rust", "preserve being
90% of our body cells are filled with water.
If you fill interior & exterior body cells with high
level anti-oxidant water, it acts the highest anti-oxidation.
It is important to drink the water in equal pH to body(pH balance)
which has high anti-oxidation power to keep the living
body without any side effects and ideal to our living
bodies from harmful active oxygen(=free radical).
This very water is WonYong π-Water.
we have to drink WonYong π-Water?
: WonYong
is a water that has strongest antioxidant effect(anti-cancer,
anti-diabetic, anti-hypertension and etc.), & equal
pH to our body(pH balance ; Normalize body pH), inhibit effects
from hazardous chemicals(Controls oxidation reduction
reaction ; detoxification action) and prevent rotting(inhibition
of microbial growth, such as virus and bacteria).
Furthermore, they have calcium antagonism, high vital
activation energy, small water molecule structure, contains
abundance oxygen, and bio memory and the ability to transfer
biological information, etc,,, the water which makes our
bodies most efficient.
contents, photos and illustrations contained here are
protected by the copy rights laws and cannot be used in
any shape, form or manner without expressive, prior consent
or approval from WONYONG Corporation. When and if you
are found in illegally copying and distributing materials
included here in criminal and civil violations, you will
be held responsible criminally and civilly under the copy
rights laws.
All right Reserved. E-mail :piwater@wonyong.co.kr #1105, F-dong, Medical-Bio Techno Town, Inje University, Eobang-dong,
Gimhae-City, KOREA